Wednesday, February 13, 2008

How much can you possibly know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?

That is one of the greatest questions ever asked. For those of you that don't know who asked the question I'm sorry because you've probably lived a small little meaningless life under a rock. Or you just haven't seen or read Fight Club. The point is one of America's forefathers Tyler Durden asks the question "How much can you possibly know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?" For a while I couldn't understand what the meaning behind it was until... I got into a fist fight with a friend of mine, and it wasn't like a joke fight, we weren't mad at one another we just wanted to fight. So we did and it was fuckin sweet. It felt really good to get into a fight and be friends with the person I was fighting with. We pretty much kicked each others asses and the there wasn't a clear winner or loser. It felt so good to be in pain. I know thats weird but it was just amazing, after the fight I felt extremely accomplished. Although I was sore all over the place and could barely move my left arm the next day, it didn't matter. If you ever have the opportunity to fight one of your friends in a non-joking way just for shits and giggles do it, you'll be like a whole new person... But be smart don't really physically hurt someone and just because I like fighting doesn't mean I advocate that you go out and fight someone.

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