Friday, February 15, 2008

F**k Authority Figures...

For most of my life I've had a problem with authority figures. Some teachers, principles, the 5-O (a.k.a. rollers, pigs, the fuzz, po-9, cops), my parents, and some other people with status like that. I just don't like feeling like I'm being controlled never have, and probably never well. After I turned 18 I realized I really don't have to listen to anyone any more. Except for my dad because I still live in his house and I don't want to get kicked out because that would really fucking suck. I don't really listen to my mom, I never really have. I've never really gotten along with my mom (its a long story.) When my parents were still together I hated when they would ground me over the stupidest little thing. It was mainly my mother, I rarely pissed my dad off, sometimes I will admit I would fuck something up and I deserved to get grounded. When I was in middle school I spent most of the time grounded. During the time I was grounded I would sit and think about shit like this. I really fucking hate the police, That started when I started to skateboard, they would always fucking grill me. I used to go to East Coast Terminal all the time, that was the skate park in Johnson City, it's closed now which really fucking sucks. My grandmother lives walking distance so I would go over there all the time because my friends would go there like every weekend. The police would always give me shit when I would skate from the park to my grandma's or from her house to the park. They were just profiling, I skateboard there for I'm some punkass little jerk off that's gonna cause of problem. It's just bullshit. When I got my mohawk, it got worse. Oh shit a kid with a mohawk, bad news written all over him. When I would walk out of the highschool to go to lunch, those dicks, would follow me and just stare. Again I knew those assholes were just profiling. Waiting for me to do something. One time I was outside waiting for a friend, and someone I knew was walking by and he was asking my for a quarter. I had one so I gave it to him. A cop was right there and show it. Automatically assumed that it was a drug deal so he called in back up. We were both searched and it was pretty gay. We explained but they never take the words of a kid. Principles didn't really bother me until I got to high school. Some of them take there job a little to serious. I'm not gonna name names because that is a dick thing to do. But last year, I was pulled out of seventh period, they accused me of being high. They searched me and found nothing because well I don't use drugs. They did this stupid little pupil chart thing, my pupils were slightly larger then normal but that doesn't really mean anything. This year they try to tell me and a group of my peers that a video we made for class is to violent. How the fuck is a nerf gun violent? Just because it's a gun doesn't mean anything. It was a prop used for a video get over it. It's not like there was blood and guts. We did edit out all of the swearing and that was really the worst part about the movie. Finally this one teacher really bothers me. He's just a fat asshole douche bag. He takes his position of study hall guy way to serious. It's a fucking study hall man, not a Nazi Labor camp. I guess I really don't care now though seeing that I won;t have to deal with the asshat until next marking period seeing that I was recently removed from my senior study hall. anyways I feel that I have bitched enough for one night, so I guess that's it...

1 comment:

StalePhish said...

I like your anti establishment attitude. I also think most cops are just power hungry cocky pricks. They think the badge they wear means they can treat everyone like a criminal. I mean treating juvenilles disrepectfully like that is of course going to get a negative feedback so why do they do it? There is a reason why people don't like cops until they actually need them...because they act like they are up on some 15ft. pedastal looking down on us civilians and if we threaten to go against them in any way, they whip out their night stick or their tazer and POW.